Tree Surgery & Felling
Tree Removal/Felling
A straight fell (removal of the tree as a single unit) will be undertaken if there is adequate space and no risk to property or person(s). We use pulling ropes and felling wedges to control the direction of the fall.
A sectional fell (removal of the tree in sections from top down) will be undertaken when there is potential risk to property(s) or person(s). We use the step cut, break off, controlled throw method and lowering ropes to ensure a safe dismantling.
Early intervention (formative pruning) can be key. Whilst a tree is young we can help it develop a strong trunk and branch structure by eliminating potential defects. This also helps remove the likelihood of any future hazards, making it far more cost effective too .
A variety of pruning techniques can be applied to combat issues of encroachment, lighting and size to help you maintain that perfect garden.