Colin White Tree Surgery provides landscaping, fencing, planting, garden maintenance to complement our domestic tree surgery.
Weed & Invasive Species Control
The UK’s Trees are facing an increasing threat from pests and diseases, particularly as demand for overseas trees and shrubs continues to rise.
Logs, Woodchip & Mulch
We stockpile, sell and deliver some of the best seasoned and semi seasoned hardwood and softwood logs in the North East.
Stump Grinding & Removal
When a tree is removed it can often leave an unsightly and potentially hazardous stump in the ground.
Tree Planting & Aftercare
As passionate arborists we appreciate the care required to plant and establish trees and shrubs at the outset.
Hedge Maintenance
Hedge cutting is a key aspect of garden maintenance. Many gardens/landscapes contain large hedges that owners find difficult to maintain due to their size.
Consultancy, Tree Surveys & Reports
Colin White Tree Surgery provides a comprehensive consultancy service for both the domestic and commercial sectors.
Tree Surgery & Felling
Our tree services include; Felling, Pruning, Crown reduction, Crown Cleaning, Crown thinning, Crown lifting, Pollarding.